20221007_093136.Deb at Cottage Belfast ME
20221007_093142.View of Bay from Cottage Belfast
20221007_122211.Bunch of Apples
20221008_110919.Fall color on Rail Tr
20221011_121255.Fall colors at Shaker Village NH
20221012_122326.Red Maple Arnold Arboretum Boston
20221014_075553.Sarah on Wall St Ferry
20221014_080709.Wall St Ferry w Bridges
20221014_082540.Battery Gardens
20221014_082818.Battery Waterfront
20221014_084337.Battery Bike Path Foliage
20221015_103301.Fahnestock hike w ladies
20221015_103319.Fahnestock hike w Lewis
20221018_110619.Small Island
20221018_110710.Small Island Gardens
20221018_110921.SMall Island Grasses2
20221018_112129.View Downtown fr Small Island
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