Yeti's Oregon-Washington Boundary Trail Site

What Is Here: Files are all Updated to 2019 Versions
The Zip file named "GPX_Files.zip" has the following files in it:
  • The latest OWBT Alternates Only.gpx - All the Alternate tracks only
  • The latest OWBT Main Tracks Only.gpx - All the Main tracks only - Note: These now have all tracks longer than 10,000 points split into 2 or 3 tracks marked with section "letter" plus 1, 2, or 3
  • The latest OWBT Waypoints Only.gpx - All the waypoints we made
  • Please note that trails & roads can change radically each year due to weather, blowdowns, deadfalls, getting overgrown.
  • The Zip file named "OWBT_Misc_Info" has the following files in it:
  • Maps to Buy.pdf - A list of all the Forrest Service, BLM maps, etc we bought
  • All the Town Guide fornats (Word, PDF, & EPUB) you would need to update the files.
  • Post Office Info.txt - A list of ALL the Post Office addresses & phone #'s in Order
  • OWBT Resupply Distances.xls - A list of all the main tracks, their mileages, # of points in each track.
  • OWBT Entire Trail.pdf - an overall map of entire trail.
  • The Zip file named "OWBT_Transparencies.zip" has the following files in it:
  • I'm not supplying these until I re-do southern Oregon due to water issues we ran into. The GPX tracks are split into the sections we did hike (in Red), and the sections we didn't (in Blue), plus alternates we didn't hike (in Magenta)
  • Any questions or updates, contact Yeti at yeti1938@gmail.com

    Yeti     Melanie